
So you're going to go on a fitness kick, you're going to eat all the right foods, exercise four times a week for an hour, you're going to get all that sleep you keep promising yourself and you're going to get into the best shape of your life! Or you will for about two days and then your boss makes you stay late at work or your kid needs to be picked up from school because whoever usually does it can't and then you think to yourself 'well, I can skip today. I'll make up for it tomorrow." Yeah, right.

Sure you will. Except tomorrow it's raining and you don't feel like heading out to the gym or you got into a fight with your spouse and now you don't feel like exercising at all. And so it goes. Excuse after excuse piles up until it's been a month since you've worked out at all and you can't go to the gym because you haven't worked out in a month!

This is why having a fitness instructor is essential to keeping your word to yourself and to your routine. With someone else there you feel compelled to go work out as you promised an hour of your time to someone and you can't back out. Not to mention you paid the guy and there are no refunds, so you'd be wasting money if you didn't go. Your fitness instructor is there to keep you motivated, keep you improving rather than becoming complacent with losing the five pounds you started going for. With a fitness instructor you're not just working out, but you're building a friendship, someone you can talk to.

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Your fitness instructor is there to keep you on track and to keep you from overdoing it. You can't jump from lifting twenty pounds to a hundred in a week, even if you think you can, it might be damaging to your body. Your fitness instructor will tell you this, and help you develop a gradual build up. Your fitness instructor will help you become aware of the types of foods you eat and what's good for you and what's not. Your fitness instructor is there to encourage you, to congratulate you when you master a new hurdle, the instructor is someone to share the experience of exercising with and can provide that last little bit of motivation that helps you put down the remote and get to the gym.

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